Red Isle Construction and Consulting Inc. | RenovationFind


Red Isle Construction is looking to develop new customers for the upcoming season! 2021 We are skilled in custom finish work, millwork, cabinets as well as bathroom and kitchen renovations. We take pride in our work in everything from simple drywall repairs to complete renovations. Do it right the first time is our motto we are your go to renovation specialist!!! We always discuss proper building practices with our customers and explore alternative options and layouts. This allows us to achieve the end result for what the customer wants and what they need to fit into their budget. We can also consult with our customer's on current projects that already have another contractor and would like to get a third party opinion to discuss their quality and skills with proper building practices. Ryan, the owner of Red Isle Construction, has been working in home renovations for over 25+ years. We realize learning ALL.aspects of residential construction is beneficial not only to us, but also benefits you the client in making proper decisions, cause we all know any renovations you make can make a big impact on the pocketbook in the end. We are licensed with The Interprovincial Standards Red Seal Program. We are insured and licensed to work in the City of Calgary. Check out our website link on the side and check our reviews from all our wonderful clients.


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  • Has no credit issues based on the credit reports that we monitor
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  • Is accredited by the better business bureau "BBB" with a rating of A- or higher
  • Has provided us with a current copy of their Insurance
  • Has provided us with a current copy of their WCB or WSIB if applicable
  • Has provided us with a current copy of their Municipal Business License if applicable

Here are some of the best basement renovations companies in Calgary, Alberta:

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Kay2 Contracting is a full service renovation and home building firm located in Calgary, Alberta. At Kay2 Contracting we are committed to ensuring customer satisfaction in every aspect of our work. This commitment is accomplished through our full service contracting company providing quality work, integrity, and on-time service.
Calgary, Alberta
At Ground Four, we specialize in residential renovations of any size. We work with you to determine the best solutions for your space, style and budget. Achieving the best results possible while managing your expectations is what we do best. Our highly skilled staff and trade partners combine your vision with exceptional craftsmanship to build a project that is both aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound.
Calgary, Alberta
You have an idea and a vision. You’ve got a job that needs to be done. We’re here to see it done to completion and satisfaction.
Categories: Basement Renovations
See more RenovationFind Certified basement renovations companies
Contact Information
Red Isle Construction and Consulting Inc.
Calgary, Alberta T3p0c4

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