Zippo Stone | RenovationFind

Zippo Stone is a famous kitchen countertop manufacturer in Richmond. It was established by its current director in 2009, whose commercial background lies within construction and countertop industries. Our teams consist of professional and skillful granite countertop technicians with over 25 years working experience. We specialize at fabricating 2cm and 3cm countertops including: custom-made kitchen countertop, island, dining bar, computer desk, boardroom table, vanity top, Jacuzzi tub, tub deck, fireplace mantle, and barbeque set……etc. Our One-Bridge Saw Cutting Machine and Straight Edge Polishing Machine helps forward our production with 1.6 Meter – 2.2 Meter per minute in horizontal polishing and 1.2 Meter – 1.6 Meter per minute in beveled edge polishing We are confident in being able to guarantee full commitment and satisfaction to all customers.


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  • Has no credit issues based on the credit reports that we monitor
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  • Has provided us with a current copy of their Insurance
  • Has provided us with a current copy of their WCB or WSIB if applicable
  • Has provided us with a current copy of their Municipal Business License if applicable

Here are some of the best countertops companies in Vancouver, British Columbia:

Vancouver, British Columbia
VE Stone is a full-scale fabrication facility. We work on the smallest bathroom job to the largest commercial project. At our facility located in Surrey BC, we have hundreds of different stone colors for you to select from, including granite, marble, and quartz.

Fill out the contact form today to get a free estimate!
Vancouver, British Columbia
Located in Delta, BC, we serve the Greater Vancouver area, Jag Fabrication Ltd. offers fabrication services utilizing Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Copper, and Mild Steel.
Vancouver, British Columbia
Pacific West Floor Décor is a locally owned and operated Canadian company. We have a strong team of trade professionals with over 120 years’ combined experience in the renovation industry.
Pacific West Floor Décor started off as a flooring company back in 2007 but we have grown to become Surrey’s premier full scale renovation company! We can handle any interior renovation project from helping you with design choices, supplying materials that you need for your project and installation. We do it all!
See more RenovationFind Certified countertops companies
Contact Information
Zippo Stone
8731 Beckwith Rd.
Richmond, British Columbia V6X 1V4

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